Welcome to AllerFocus™
Allergy testing and treatment options for you.
About Us
Patients often think they have allergies because they have “allergy” symptoms, but they have never been tested to identify what allergen, if any, could be causing the problem. All they know is that at various times of the year they get the typical allergy symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes and congestion, but there are other symptoms like chronic sinus infections, strep throat, asthma, eye infections, nasal polyps, chronic ear infections and migraine headaches that could also be caused by allergies. Common skin ailments like hives and eczema are treated as chronic illnesses when they could be allergy driven.
AllerFocus™ gives practitioners the ability to allergy skin test patients, and offer options for their patients to become desensitized to the symptom causing allergens within 3 to 4 years. Contact us today for more information on the AllerFocus™ allergy testing and treatment options.

Allergy testing is made simple with FDA approved technology. One simple 15 minute test will identify 78 of the most common local airborne allergens. Additional positive and negative controls are also included in the test to demonstrate effectiveness.

Only the highest quality glycerinated extracts are used to ensure efficacious positives. Positives are easy to read, measure, and record. Possible patients eligible for allergy testing include those suffering from asthma, chronic cough, sinusitis, as well as allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis patients.

AllerFocus™ offers a Broad Spectrum Immunotherapy Compounded Pharmacy Product to deliver either subcutaneous (shots) or sublingual (drops under the tongue) therapy. Patients receive SCIT therapy injections in the office at increasing doses either once or twice a week intervals until maintenance dose is achieved. SLIT therapy is self-administered by the patient at home after receiving the first dose in the office following the dosing schedule sent with the prescription.

AllerFocus™provides the primary care physician the opportunity to allergy skin test and possibly treat their patients without referring them out for specialist care. PCPs have enough candidates for the testing and treatment right inside their practice: One in 5 Americans has environmental or food allergies, and many are not aware of their condition, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Rather than just prescribing antihistamines that mask symptoms, PCPs now have the ability to provide patients a real service by identifying allergies in patients through testing and providing immunotherapy that targets the underlying condition. This involves building up patients' immunity to allergens by delivering progressively stronger doses over many months, through injections (SCIT) or drops under the tongue (SLIT).
The process starts with identifying candidates for testing through questionnaires. If the test is positive, the physician discusses treatment options. This is not only a real benefit to the patient but also allows the PCP to realize a revenue stream that always existed but until now did not have a way to access it.

If your symptoms are related to an eye allergy, chances are you will have problems in both eyes.
Typical symptoms include:
Watery eyes
Sensitivity to light
Eyelid swelling
These symptoms can occur alone or along with allergic rhinitis nasal symptoms. They typically appear shortly after exposure to the allergen. Symptoms resulting from seasonal outdoor allergens tend to be worse than if your symptoms are due to indoor allergens such as dust mites or pet dander. Symptoms may be reduced if you are taking allergy medications such as antihistamines, which suppress the allergic reaction.
The first step toward relief from annoying eye allergy symptoms is a proper diagnosis. The AllerFocus60tm testing solution gives the eye care professional the opportunity to pin point the root cause of your symptoms and identify the best treatment approach. Depending on what is causing your eye allergy symptoms, AllerFocus Sublingual immunotherapy (allergy Drops) may be very effective in providing long-term resistance to the triggering allergens.

Patients want long-term solutions to their allergies & asthma, not just symptomcontrol with "pharmacological management." AllerFocus™ immunotherapy options modify and desensitizes the immune systems response to the allergens over the long-term.
Your Practitioner must first use allergy testing to confirm the patient has sensitivities. Once this is determined, an allergen extract formulation is prescribed. The patient is directed to keep it under the tongue for one to two minutes and then swallow it. The process is repeated once a day with recommendations that therapy is continued for three to five years to develop a lasting immunity. The immunotherapy vaccine safely builds up the body's tolerance and decreases sensitivity to the allergens causing the problems and creates a path toward better health.
Most clinical trials and surveys published over at least 20 years show that SLIT is relatively safe and effective for the treatment of rhinitis and asthma caused by allergies to dust mites, grass, ragweed, cat dander, and tree pollens. Evidence is emerging that SLIT may be effective for treating the red, itchy eyes caused by pollen during hay fever season.
Convenience = better compliance= better outcomes
Subcutaneous Immunotherapy is effective treatment against airborne allergens, such as, pollen, dust and mold. Once the patient's allergies are confirmed from the skin testing, a minuscule amount of each allergen is injected into the patients arm which triggers the production of antibodies that can actually block allergy symptoms. The dose is gradually increased each week until eventually the patient can be exposed to the allergen without symptoms occurring. This process can begin working within 4 to 6 months, and needs to be continued for as long as 3 to 5 years. Subcutanteous immunotherapy is covered under most major medical plans. It requires weekly or bi-weekly visits to your provider until the maintenance dose is reached then visits are on a monthly basis.

Designed to help you find answers to the most commonly asked questions.
How much does testing cost?
It is covered by most insurance plans. Most patients will only be responsible for your regular co-pay and deductible if applicable
Is there an age limit for testing and treatment?
No. The test and SLIT is safe for children >3 years old
When should I start to see results and how long will they last?
Within the first three months of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) treatment. By the time you come in for the follow up at 12 weeks you'll likely be feeling much better and already taking less of your usual allergy medications. The length of relief varies from person to person, but most patients experience significant improvement for at least 10-15 years. For some, it will be significantly longer.
What are the biggest advantages of SLIT?
It’s safe for children and adults, convenient because it’s administered at home and takes just two minutes per day, painless and easy, ideal for frequent travelers who can take the drops anywhere, and is very cost effective.
I'm not an allergist. Can my practice provide this allergy service? Most primary care or family health practices can provide and bill for this service using CPT codes that have been in existence for many years traditionally used by allergy specialist. AllerFocus tm provides a turn key testing solution and training of your staff to implement your allergy program.
Is this service reimbursed through insurance?
Yes. Allergy testing and immunotherapy is an FDA recognized treatment with established results. Most insurance providers reimburse for these services.
Why should I incorporate this into my practice?
What’s “out there” is not working. Patients suffer in silence without knowing there is an alternative. Patients prefer their family doctor oversee their total care. Diagnosing and treating airborne allergies in your clinic is within your scope of practice. This presents a huge patient care opportunity in addition to a financial opportunity.

Business Hours
Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday
Tel: 1-888-394-5009
Fax: 1-800-784-2287
2931 Kerry Forest Parkway Suite 203
Tallahassee Fl 32309